Visual Spatial/ADD/Spirited Child Resources

The Visual-Spatial Learner: An Introduction  by Linda Silverman

Are You a Creator? -- by Linda Silverman, a child's guide to v-s abilities

Visual-Spatial -- lots of great articles and books on v-s

Teaching The Right Brain Child by Dianne Craft MA CNHP of Child
Diagnostics -- manual, videos, and flashcards (sold separately), a former
homeschool mom and special ed teacher helps parents learn how to use
Right Brain Strategies to teach their children Spelling, Math, Reading,
Phonics, Sight Words, Vocabulary, Following Directions, and Study Skills.
Her website is rather bare bones... here is a description of
her program.

Visual Spatial Resource - an entire website devoted to the subject

"Getting Your Kids out the Door - With Their Shoes On!" By Alexandra Golon - article in pdf format with illustrations and resource links.

my child is a right brained, visual spatial learner a personal account of one parent's struggle, how she dealt with her child and resources she found useful.

homeschooling forum, with a string of posts of homeschooling a visual spatial child

bright kids at home - Visual Spatial - a resource for parents schooling their bright kids at home

Do you have Visual Spatial Children? - a pdf article with activites to use to teach Visual Spatial kids

Games and resources to teach visual spatial children - at

This is a Blog about one parent's travels through home schooling a visual spatial child:



How to Get your Child off the Refrigerator and on to Learning: Homeschooling Highly Distractible, ADHD, or Just Plain Fidgety Kids, by Carol Barnier - this book is full of ideas and reproducibles.

Myth of Laziness   by Mel Levine

Homeschooling the Child with ADD or Other Special Needs: Your Complete Guide to Successfully Homeschooling the Child with Learning Differences   by Lenore Colacion Hayes

Homeschooling the Challenging Child: A Practical Guide   by Christine M. Fields

Issues with Reading and Written Work:

Web 2.0... The Machine is US/ing US by Michael Wesch, Kansas State
University -- shows how word processing, HTML, and the Web have
changed the way we communicate - have made it more V-S friendly!

I Can't See It ! A Visual-Spatial Approach to Language Arts a book by
Alexandra Golon

Visual-Spatial Learners have trouble with writing by Alexandra Golon

Writing Problems of Visual Thinkers  by Gerald Grow

Help for Reluctant Writers and Kids Who Hate to Write

Graphic Organizers from Enchanted Learning -- free online examples
and directions for using many different types of graphic organizers

Issues With Math:

Teaching Mathematics to Visual-Spatial Learner by Linda Silverman

Taking Timed Tests by Alexandra Golon

Nothin' But the Facts!  A Visual-Spatial Strategy for the Times Tables
a book by Alexandra Golon

Arithmetic weakness does not correspond to lack of "math talent" -
v-s children may be gifted in conceptual math but not calculation

Borenson's Hands-on Equations a visual method of teaching children
how to solve linear equations in algebra (great for younger kids, too)

East Meets West: Fundamental Differences in Math Teaching -- a
review of Liping Ma's "Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics" by
Drs. Fernette and Brock Eide, "...many US teachers don't really understand
the "big picture" of math"

Issues with organization and attention:

Organizational Skills for V-S Learners -- by Alexandra Golon

Excess Teacher Talk Swamps Children -- by Linda Doherty, education
editor of the Sydney Morning Herald

Does inattention always mean ADHD?

Help with Short Term Memory Skills

by Deirdre V. Lovecky, Ph.D. --
we all know a few procrastinators... what planet are they from? ;-)

Graphic Organizers from Enchanted Learning -- free online examples
and directions for using many different types of graphic organizers

Giftedness and Visual Spatial Issues:

Is Your Child Gifted?

Is Your Child a Gifted Visual-Spatial Learner?

Online support groups for homeschooling V-S learners

Homeschooling Extraordinary Children - support for parents
homeschooling bright children with a  variety of learning differences

Homeschooling Creatively - focus on individualized education and child-
centered learning (very helpful for Auditory-Sequential parents who are
homeschooling Visual-Spatial children)

Related Issues

Thinking Like Einstein: Returning to our visual roots with the
emerging revolution in computer information visualization
Thomas West --  a book discussing how visual-spatial learners are leading
the way in a new era "where the most advanced work in science, art, or
business will be done using modern information visualization technologies
and techniques", also author of the book "
In the Mind's Eye"